Zombie Warfare

  During a Zombie Apocalypse you must always be prepared for zombie warfare in order to survive. First thing you must remember is that Zombies are extremely difficult to kill especially as they are already considered dead. In order to kill a zombie you will need to destroy the brain. This can be achieved through a variety of methods and you can be as creative as you like. Remember what ever method you decide to use you must destroy the brain, so make sure you focus most of your energy on the head. Destroying the other organs of a zombie will do absolutely nothing it'll just direct its attention more toward you.

Choose your weapon:

  There are several factors to consider in choosing your weapon/s. Weight of the weapon will become an issue if you have to run from zombies. Weapons that rely on ammo or fuel will need to be refueled. A low noise profile will keep you from attracting nearby zombies or other humans potentially competitive for resources. Weapons need to be durable so that they will remain effective through the duration of an epidemic that may last for years. Also consider whether or not you will be able to repair the weapon. I recommend becoming familiar with zombie weapons prior to an outbreak. Don’t leave it till the last minute to prepare.

Types of Weapons:

1. Blunt Weapons: In hand to hand combat blunt weapons may be the most idiot-proof design in regards to how to kill a zombie. There is no finesse, no skill, you simply beat the zombie’s rotten skull in until its brains run out of its ears. Bats and clubs are easily found in any area of the world, crowbars as are readily accessible and obtainable. Wooden instruments can even be manufactured by a person on the move. A staff should also be considered since it gives a person a longer reach and can be used as a probe when walking in high grass, a staff can also have a spear point mounted on one end or a metal club head for increased striking power. Blunt weapons are also available in a tight spot, such as the legs off of a table or other pieces of furniture, yard tools, and the like.

2. Edged Weapons: Knives and swords are often considered to be the first on the list of close combat weapons. If the club is brawn and balls then the sword is the sleek aristocrat, elegant and sexy. One problem with a sword is that they can take a great deal of training to become effective with them and in the hands of an amateur they are likely a greater danger to the user than the zombie.  Remember: decapitation is the only way to go, though braining the ghoul will work as well. Some popular edged weapons include, but are not limited to a katana, axes, and machetes. Knives are a must, if for no other reason than the pure usefulness. A knife can be used in dozens of everyday applications, pry tool, finger nail cleaner, eating utensil, and more. If one has to choose, the numbers are humbling but remember that when dealing with zombies serrated edges are useless since they will only get caught in the skull. A short blade, under six inches, will likely be too short. Six inches and over is recommended if for no other reason than if you have to strike from under the chin of the zombie and go through the mouth into the brainpan, not recommended but in a pinch, it will do.

3. Pistols: In today's society pistols are without doubt the flavor of choice for all advocates of weaponry. Any die hard Clint fan has a .44; most all cops have Glocks; most chicks have revolvers as they seem less intimidating. But what it all boils down to is accuracy and precision in your shot. While pistols are easily carried in bulk along with their ammo, unless you are an excellent marksman I would not recommend using this as your primary source of protection. Hitting a zombie in the chest or shoulder will not stop it. You must hit it in the brain and that requires precision. Practice Practice Practice!

4. Shotguns & Machine Guns: While semi automatic rifles and sub machine guns sound really tough, their range is not conducive to killing a zombie. They are mostly effective in delaying the inevitable attack. On humans these weapons are ideal, as precision is not necessitated for the kill. Since zombies do not give up as easily, however, precision in killing the brain is critical. "Scatter guns" and guns that utilize similar ammo (such as buck shot) will not guarantee the brain has been eliminated, and probably are not the best choice of protection either. As well, there are ongoing studies that support contact with infected body parts may result in your "turning." If this is indeed true, then getting bitten is not our only concern. Coming into contact with flying severed body parts caused from the blast of one of the above weapons, could pose a life ending situation. Definitely not an ending I would like.

5. 22 Caliber Rimfire Weapons: This weapon is light weight, making it easier to tote on long journeys. As well, ammo for this type of weapon is plentiful throughout the country so it is not likely you will run out. While this weapon may unfortunately make it so you have to be somewhat closer to "the enemy" in order to penetrate the skull (since it is a small caliber bullet) the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

   With any weapon that you choose there are things that you must remember.  First, the weapon does not make you and you can be over whelmed and killed. Secondly, to be effective with the weapon you must know its limits as well as your own; in other words train with the weapon to where you know it like yourself. Third, do not get attached to it, the weapons may break, get lost in battle, or stuck in a zombie and need to be left behind. Carrying more than one weapon is not solely a recommendation, but a requirement for Zombie Warfare.

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